that's right, what you heard is right.
we're over. me and school is SO over. It's almost christmas break and im cramming over my finals!
how is that i only have 2 classes yet im taking 5 finals?! that's so asinine.
it's been a wonderful 3 months of fall quarter here in SPSCC.
my math class was BORING. we don't do a thing. i don't even know why i took that class! i mean all she do is read the book out loud and do the examples in the board FROM the book. maybe i should stop going in that class and just study on my own. hmmmm. strike 1! it's not a hard class, as a matter of fact it's really easy. math has never been easy until now :] but it's just stupid.
then i have ENGLISH for freeeeeeaking 3hours. who do that?! that's duuuumb. you read for 3hours and study vocabs. psssshyeah. then freakking 4 finals in that class?! oh good lord hallelujiah help us! ima need all the luck i can get. fortunalely i only have to take 2 of the finals cuz i have smarticles in ME :] yay im smart. haha. i wish.
good thing i made a lot of friends in my classes, that makes it more fun-eeer.
THANK GOD fall quarter is sooooo finito. hmmmm. i wonder what classes i should take
next quarter?. maybe i should continue my french? idk why friench, maybe cuz it sounds fancy. haha. or japanese cuz it sounds wierd and kawaii!
well im out.
later people.