March 29, 2009

the joan story: the war.

For Joan, the battle began when she was only 5. She was cornered in a room with an aviating little devious roach circling the ozone of her room with a very bright pink painted walls. Hyperventilating, She stayed on the same spot trying not to make any sudden movement. Already, tears running down her cheeks and sweats coming out of her lifeless skin's spores. After what seemed like an eternity, her friend Lesly came in and saw Joan's motionless body trapped in the corner, crippled with fear and holding onto her slippers just in case the monster attacks her. She wasn't sure if Lesly was laughing at her as Lesly killed the nasty 2-atennas damn bug with her own slippers but nevertheless, she was Joan's first hero. After the incident, the fued between her and the roaches are so on.

Many years has passed, she was able to lived a normal life with an occasional war against the roaches. Sometimes she lost, sometimes she takes home the trophy. The most recent encounter she had with her archenemy was just 2 days ago. She was with some friends hanging out at a local coffee shop as they do every weekend. After just a several sips of the freshly brewed coffee, she felt the helplessness urge to run and do "number one."

As she closed the door behind her, she got the feeling that there's a war about to go off. She examined the location, and there it is; the ugliest, fowliest, nastiest, and devious creature her two eyeballs ever layed on on the face of the earth--right by her right foot. She jumped as high as she can, hoping that she still have a shot at winning the war. She layed flat paralyzed against the door with her arms stretched so up high it could reached the ceiling and her feet tip-toeing as if it woud prevent the monster from attacking.
With her Oriental-Asian-Pacific-Filipino chinky eyes, she watched the monster crawled for covers under the toilet. Her skinny knees quivers as she desparately gasped for air and felt that same feeling she had when she first battled against the creature.

"DAMN IT." She said annoyed.

Now, the only matter that's more atrocious than discovering a roach on your potty break is losing sight of it. There's no knowing where and when it will attack. You'll never know if it's about to fall on your head, creep up on your legs, fly towards your humanly face, or worse--land in your ass while you're taking a pee [Now that would be a million bitch and a half.]

Battling the urge to curl into a ball of mass delirium and cause an ephedemic humilating scandal in the bathroom of the coffee shop, Joan tried to get her head in the game and thinked straight. She heard a faint small voice in her head telling her to suck it up and stand up for herself and fight the battle she can't lose. Fighting would be better than having her friends or worse, enemies; hear about her pathetic battle agains the roach on the local tabloids.

"Medical Student: Lost a battle against a roach."
Now that would be a news-worthy story.

Shaking off her fear of roaches and focusing to fear of social stigma, She came to conclusion to face her archenemy. Without taking her sight off the place where the monster was seen disappeared, she desparately reached for the bar of soap at the sink.

"Oh hell naaaaw! There's nooooo effing way I will use my Jimmy Choo flip-flop to kill that monster."
She thought to her self.

Finally, she raised her arm up high, and got ready to strike as soon as she even just spot a millionth of a millimeter of the devious monster's nasty and disgusting antennas. After merciless ten minutes of nerve shaking suspense [Yes, she stood there motionless, bar of soap in her hand, and quiet for ten long minutes], she audaciously tried singing "The Eency Weency Spider" to lure the monster out of hiding. Can you think of a song about cockroaches? Don't think so.

After the miny concert to lure it out.
Nothing happened.

With a half-squinter eyes, she finally decided it's time to end the war. With a determination and lots of courage she bent her trembling knees further and took aim, then threw the bar of soap onto the floor behind the toilet. "THUD!" As the soap hits the floor.

Still, no sign of the monster.

Quickly, she realized that she just lost hand of her weapon available for the monster's possible extermination. She panicked, drown on her fears, she opened the door behind her and ran for her dear life.

She lost the battle this time. Again.

Joan felt proud nevertheless for being so brave in the face of the war. She wasn't a coward. She fought. She was the party that was on the offense after all. She felt powerfully renewed. She felt the Queen-you-can't-mess-with of the modern world. "Next time, I won't lose." She said to her self. She felt omnipotent.

After all that, she still had to pee.

March 27, 2009

damn pictures!

Who cares about Octomom!?
It's all about Octogirl now!
Skinier and less babies!
Is your vajayjay making a squeeky sound?
Call the number! They are expert on leaky
vajayjay! 10% off first service! HAHA And they said studying is good?
I think not! This equation just proved it.
No more studying! That's what I call fast food!
Do they have happy meals?
Do I want to know what's on the happy meal box?
I think not.

So this is the purpose of the naked statues arounf Europe.This will be a hit! Looks like this couple finally found the position they've been looking for. By the looks of it, they look happy and loving it. 5 miles more to go. Take it slow!

This image is so wrong in so many ways!
I don't know what's creepy.
1. Having a life-size doll as your girlfriend.
2. Having a life-size doll as your girlfriend dressed up as a high school student.
3. Having a life-size doll as your girlfriend dressed up as a high school student and taking the doll to a picnic using a wheelchair.
4. Having a life-size doll as your girlfriend dressed up as a high school student and taking the doll to a picnic using a wheelchair with your best buddy having one of his own.
What's wrong with this guys?!
The scarf of the future!
Keeps you warm.
And it gives you a fresh new rounded boobies!
Not suitable for kids.
I'm so sure wolverine is enjoying this.
Have a baby baking on the oven?
Use this helpful easy to follow quick tips.
Keep your baby alive.

What's up with that one on the floor?! OMG!

March 26, 2009

"Shoulders to lean on."

A long time ago, there lived a two really good best friends.

They have the strongest bond between friends. It is even stronger than the bond between sibblings. They knew each other since grade school and now they are in college. It was unbreakable. They knew that there's nothing can come between and asunder them apart. Although both have very distinct lifestyle, they managed to stay good friends. They knew the consequences. One was Heaven. One was hell. Both two should never met.

One was always deploring how life is so cruel to her. How she never gets what she wants. And how life is very unfair to her. Because he knew her inside and out, he knows what she needs to hear. Words that can make her smile again. But still she felt abandoned and crestfallen that her life was far from what she have always dreamed of. He knew there's nothing he can do except offer his shoulder to lean and cry on because he could never give her the life she wanted the most. To a such small thing, she's contented and knew it was more than hear his voice over the phone, feel his embrace, and see his angelic face as ofter as she could. She secretly loved him all this time more than anyone else.

But things happened. She met someone that can finally make her happy. Someone who occupied her sadden thoughts and her heart. Little by little, she slowly drifted apart.

Now she found this new happiness and the life she've always wanted. But then, just like what she always feared of, everything she've dreamed of fell apart. She wanted it to last a lifetime. She wanted to hold on. She knew this person is different, he mattered to her more than anyone else in her life.

On the other hand, although he felt he had been forgotten, he tried to do everything he can to put things back all in pieces without her cognition. It's his best friend's happiness we're talking about. It's what matter the most for him, her happiness. He just have to do everything. He did everything he can and hoped it will work for the best.

After a long time since they've heard from each other, he recieved a suprisingly message from her. "Hey buddy! Sorry I've been away for quite sometime now. Can we meet up? Usual place."

And so the best friends did.

Here they are, in their usual hang out place. Acting like nothing's wrong. After a long time, here they are again on a lazy saturday morning in the breezy shore. Already the mood was sad and tragic.

"I thought you have forgotten about me. It made me sad." He said half-joking.

"How could I forget about you? You're my best friend. The one I treasure the most." She replied.

"You know that will never change between us, right? I knew what I had to do. And that was to let you go and find the happiness you've always looked for.......happiness that I could never give you." He said as he hold her hands. Already tears were flowing down on his cheeks.

She felt that even if he meant what he just said, there's nothing they can do. There was something painful about those words. She apologized.

But he didn't accept it. He knew she didn't know the things he'd done for her, but he wanted her to think she found what she had been looking for on her own. After all, that's all what she wanted.

"I'm dying." She said softly. "The doctors found out I have a tumor in my brain. Sooner, I'll become bed-ridden and die slowly."

He was aghast and astounded. He wants to help her. But he knew this time there's nothing he can do to make things better and change things. He was helpless. And again, there is nothing he can do but to offer his shoulder and cry with her........

March 17, 2009

falling all over again.

It has been a while hasn't it?

Yes indeed. Did you miss me?

Of course I did. I haven't talk to you since senior year.

How've you been?
I've had better days, and you?

Eh, still breathing. Barely.
So I heard you guys broke up. Is it true?
YES. Well NO. I don't really know.

What do you mean you don't know?
We didn't really have a closure. We just STOPPED at some point.

May I ask you one question?
Sure. What is it?

How do you know you still love that special someone? And When do you know when to let go.
It's kind of hard to explain. But I'll try anyway.

You know what, don't answer that. I want to find that answer myself. Someday.

I'm sure you'll find that special someone. And they will be very lucky to have you.

Why did you say that?

You are one of the nicest person I met. They are stupid if they ever let go of you.

Thanks. That's a nice thing for you to say.

If I could......I would love to......

If you could what?

I'll talk to you tomorrow. Bye Geo.

Okay. Bye. Take care.

March 3, 2009

TEN things I'm thankful for.

In our time today, it's hard to not focus on the crisis and to focus on the everyday blessings we get. Everyone is affected by these "crisis." I'm affected by the financial crisis. My parents "tightened up the belt." I'm saving money like it's the end of the world. Most of the time I'd have a bad day that I don't even recognize all the good things in my life. Why is it hard to recognize these things when we're in trouble? My life was troubled by everything because I scrutinized even the smallest details and I would just see the mistakes and negatory sides and I don't see the blessings. Well now I'm going to focus on the blessing I have right now and be thankful for them.

10. "Home Sweet Home"- I'm trully thankful for my home. Not everyone have a house to come home to where they can rest to remove stresses, eat until they please, watch TV until their electric bills' are high as a sky scraper, or take a shower until they drown. Not everyone can have this "privelage", so I'm thankful I have a home.

9. "Dorinda and the Swimmers"- Dorinda is my pet goldfish and "the swimmers" are the other fishes I don't really care about. Dorinda and I go way back.....JUNE 2008. I fell inlove with her. She's perfect little fish. Her fins and tail are elegantly long and her orange shade scales are magnificent. She's the most beautiful creature your eyeball will ever see. Whenever I'm stresses out I'll just watch her swim in my 20-gallon tank and all my worries in the world just go away., for a short time at least. I'll cry if she dies.

8. "I-net"- I guess it's pretty much self explanatory why I'm thankful for internet.

7. "My Reader[s]"- I'm not sure how many readers this blog have, but I do know it got some. I'm thankful for them. They are one of the reason why I continue to blog. Without them, there's no reason for me to blog.

6. "Money"- I LOVE MONEY. Who doesn't? Maybe if I'm a contestant in "I Love Money 2", I'd win! I'm not completely broke but not rich either. I just have enough bucks to go out and have fun with my friends but still have some money to save. I've been saving to reward myself a new Nikon Coolpix. My parents doens't know I have a SWISS BANK ACCOUNT.

5. "My Gizmos"- This will includes my DS, PS2, Rock Band, Cellphone, Laptop, and my most priced possesion, Kit --my Canon DSLR Rebel XSi. I'm just happy I have them to entertain myself. Withoutmy phone I think I'll go nuts. SERIOUSLY!

4. "Fam-bam"- Whoever is not thankful for their families is an ingrate. I'm so thankful for these special people. They've always helps me keep my ground stay put to the ground. And helped me when I'm troubled. Even though sometimes we fight, I still love them to death. Hey that's family! You hate them but you love them more!

3. "3DAMN"- I think I won't be like me right now without the fine crafting of these two fine young ladies on me. They are a huge part of my life and will always be. Life would be different I i never met them.

2. "BFFFE"- Which stands for Best Friend Forever For Eternity. I only have on BFFFE and her name is Abigaile Madelaine Villafuerte. I love her that much. We may be miles and miles away but we talk almost everyday for hours and hours. She knows most of my secrets that only her knows. Without her in my life is like SPICE GIRLS without Posh Spice. Horrible! I love her to the INFINITY.

1. "Life"- Everyday I'm alive has always been a blessings for me. It's sad that not everyday I could thank God that I'm still alive and well. Without this "LIFE" I would've never met all these special people and enjoy mife experiences to the fullest. Thank God I'm alive. IT'S GOOD TO BE ALIVE!